Using Micro
Micro is an open source platform for API and Go services development.
Learn Micro
To learn about Micro head to the open source website
The core services available to you are
- Authentication
- Service Discovery
- RPC Communication
- Dynamic Config
- Event Streaming
- Key Value Storage
- Runtime Management
We’ll walk through these in more depth in the Concepts section but basically its the OSS Micro v3 provided to you with highly available distributed systems beneath the covers.
Creating a Service
Services are created using the Go framework provided by Micro. They make use of gRPC and protobuf at the core and provide a simpler set of abstractions to build on.
Here’s an example. If you want further info see the helloworld example.
Services are defined using protobuf
syntax = "proto3";
package helloworld;
service Helloworld {
rpc Call(Request) returns (Response) {}
message Request {
string name = 1;
message Response {
string msg = 1;
They’re then code generated using protoc
and implemented using Micro
package main
import (
pb ""
type Helloworld struct{}
// Call is a single request handler called via client.Call or the generated client code
func (h *Helloworld) Call(ctx context.Context, req *pb.Request, rsp *pb.Response) error {
logger.Info("Received Helloworld.Call request")
rsp.Msg = "Hello " + req.Name
return nil
func main() {
// Create service
srv := service.New(
// Register Handler
// Run the service
if err := srv.Run(); err != nil {
Calling Services
To use the services peak into the service directory on GitHub. Micro pre-initialises all the services for you so that all you have to do is import the package and call public functions made available to you.
Example. Lets make use of calling a service.
import (
pb ""
req := client.NewRequest("helloworld", "Helloworld.Call", &pb.Request{Name: "Alice"})
rsp := new(pb.Response)
err := client.Call(context.Background(), req, &rsp)
If you want to use code generation
hw := pb.NewHelloworldService("helloworld", client.DefaultClient)
rsp, err := hw.Call(context.Background(), &pb.Request{Name: "Alice"})
Publish/Subscribe to Events
What about say publishing events?
import ""
events.Publish("event-topic", map[string]string{"foo": "bar"})
And on the subscribe side
eventChan, err := events.Subscribe("event-topic")
Storing and Retrieving Data
import (
// we're fixing this
kv ""
// write the record
Key: "foo",
Value: []byte(`Bar`),
// read the record
rec, err := store.Read("foo")
// delete the record
Further Documentation
To learn more about Micro head to the open source website